What were the old Łomża newspapers writing about?
Selection of fragments Małgorzata K. Frąckiewicz What were the old Łomża newspapers writing about? Year 1918 ➢ A convention of Justices of the Peace serving for the district Court in Łomża took place. Chairman of the Main Electoral Commission (Główna Komisja Wyborcza) a judge Römer and a commissar att. Jankowski Dowiedz się więcej…
Persons from the papers
Persons, about who old Łomża papers were writing (selection): „Ziemia Łomżyńska” (ZŁ) from 1918, 1919 and 1921; „Echo Szkolne” (ES) from 1928 (nr 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-6, 7, 9) and 1929 (nr 1, 2); „Wspólna Praca” (WP) from 1910 (nr 2, 3); 1921 (nr 5); 1922 (nr 6, 7-8, Dowiedz się więcej…
Name list of insurgents of 1863
Name list of insurgents of 1863 Drawn up based on a biweekly „Wspólna Praca” nr 8, 9, 10, 11, 12/1928. „During the World War all the office files were destructed and all the state archives in Łomża, except for mortgage records by the district Court, which were specially protected even Dowiedz się więcej…