What were the old Łomża newspapers writing about?
Selection of fragments Małgorzata K. Frąckiewicz What were the old Łomża newspapers writing about? Year 1918 ➢ A convention of Justices of the Peace serving for the district Court in Łomża took place. Chairman of the Main Electoral Commission (Główna Komisja Wyborcza) a judge Römer and a commissar att. Jankowski Dowiedz się więcej…
Persons from the papers
Persons, about who old Łomża papers were writing (selection): „Ziemia Łomżyńska” (ZŁ) from 1918, 1919 and 1921; „Echo Szkolne” (ES) from 1928 (nr 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-6, 7, 9) and 1929 (nr 1, 2); „Wspólna Praca” (WP) from 1910 (nr 2, 3); 1921 (nr 5); 1922 (nr 6, 7-8, Dowiedz się więcej…